*before I get started… I know I’m super late in posting this… still haven’t got my pics uploaded but am taking way too long so will post this first and the pics of my freebies will come later*
As I mentioned in a previous post, I signed up for a makeup workshop run by Maybelline NY on the 12th. The description given was
"Get personalized styling guidance from an experienced make-up artist AND experiment w an array of make-up & colors from Maybelline New York!”
Although I spent time looking at the map, I managed to get lost on the way to the session. Thankfully, the lovely Shermaine gave me good instructions over the phone and I did get there.
At each desk was a lovely train case filled to the brim with all sorts of goodies… I really couldn’t wait to get in and try them all.
From right to left, top to bottom, lipstick (watershine), mascaras (all brand new!), mineral foundations/blushers, liquid foundations, angelfit two way cakes, lip glosses, eyeliners, brow pencils and last but not least, eye shadow quads.
Also given was a folder with some information. To be honest, there wasn’t much. LOL! at least not as compared to the info that I’ve found available on the net.
We were introduced to Maybelline’s new Pore Zero makeup base. Its got a SPF factor of 25 and went on really smoothly. We were taught to put some on the back of our hands then dab and spread on to the face in an upwards motion. Repeat until the whole face is covered. Due to it being relatively quick drying, you should avoid doing the normal “dot, dot, dot, blend” method.
I gotta say I was rather impressed by this product. Pores did look diminished. Now, I’m curious as to the ingredients. Been searching online but so far unable to find a list. Guess I’ll have to pop by the store to have a lookie.
I topped it with Angelfit’s 2 way cake in OC2. We were told as asians, we should choose the more yellow toned foundations rather than the pink as they complemented our skin coloring more.
I’d forgotten how much I liked the 2 way cake. It really does impart a glow that makes you look healthy and radiant. So very tempted to get it again especially as I have now learnt the ‘proper’ way to really cleanse my face after applying makeup.
Blusher was next. We were each given a shade chosen to suit our skin tone. Mine was Peachy Sweetie. A lovely mid pink. I liked the color but really really wished for my usual big badger brush to apply it. Using the brush that came with the blusher was an exercise in patience.
For blush, the advice was to smile and apply to the apples of your cheeks. Make sure to blend out the edges so it appears to be a flush and not a circle of color.
Brows were next… and we used brow pencils. I found they went on pretty smoothly and the brush at the end of the pencil helped pull everything together.
After that it was eyeshadows!
These were the three quads that our trainer Felicia recommended as good to have… they’re in the neutral range and can bring you from day to night depending on how intense you apply the shades.
from top to bottom –
Venice Carnival, Autumn Spirit, New York Nite

I tried Venice Carnival but really didn’t like the way black looked on me. :(
Technique taught was the dark to light method. Darkest on the lid near the eyelashes and gradually blend upwards to the brows.
I ended up using quad 04 which was a range of blues that were lighter than New York Night.
I forgot to take a pic of the look I did using the Maybelline products. But to be honest, I wasn’t overly excited about it. Perhaps it was the lack of a proper e/s base but the colors just weren’t popping for me.
I think mineral e/s has totally spoilt me or Maybelline colors are just too regular for me. Sigh.
Mascara was next and we each were given a brand new tube of Unstoppable Curly Extension which I promptly used. :)
Here’s my finished look and my partner in color play, Sherlyn.

Then time was up and we had to go. For me, it was a fun refresher class in basics. I didn’t realise I had already learnt so much. Still feel like a beginner in so many ways.
I’d love to attend sessions that taught a little more advanced techniques. So will be on the look out for them. :)
And here was my quick look for the day… just L’oreal’s HIP green liner with TSS Lost Moss on top. SN’s siren glow all over eye area.
Not sure why I put it on cos I took it off as soon as I arrived. LOL!