Thursday, January 29, 2009

It’s been an EPIC journey…

this is totally non m/u related but…

a long long long time ago, I asked a girlfriend to help me finish a cross stitch project I started when I was preggy with #1! Something I never did finish… *blush* It sat in my cupboard for almost about four years before I passed it to her.

so… three kids later… here’s what I found in my mailbox today…


I love this design… all the details captured in the animal’s expressions and their interactions with each other

now to ante up for the framing… wonder what my kids will think of this…

thank you thank you thank you… you know who you are… for all the hours and hours and hours of work put into this. Its just simply amazing. I’m sooooo blessed to have a friend like you!

here's her slideshow on how this got completed... its been a marathon for her!